Hi everyone!
This is just a quick post to let you know where I'm at. I realise I have quite a few active followers who check my blog and since I haven't posted in a long time I thought that I would let you know why incase anyone is interested.
So as I said when I started this blog, the purpose of it was a professional studies assignment for uni. This module is now over, so whilst this blog will stay in place, and I may think about still posting things in the future maybe, I will mostly be inactive here from now on.
I have, however, started up a new blog. It is different to this one on that it is more personal; a lifestyle blog kinda. It's not for any assignment or purpose really other than my own enjoyment, so the subject matter will probably be more varied, and it will be much more informal.
I'm now over here, and I'd love it if my readers would make the switch with me to my new blog! I've appreciated your interest so very much over the past few months. :)
More posts to follow elsewhere, and I hope that you'll be reading!
Lauren xoxo