Hello everyone! I'm really sorry I haven't posted in ages, I have upcoming deadlines for my design project and it's keeping me really busy, but I'll try and post some more when I can. Just a quick update to say that I've just opened a Flickr account, and if you want to view my photos or follow me, you can find it here. I have some upcoming posts about museum trips and things where I took a lot of photos which I want to share with you all, so I thought I could just start creating albums on Flickr and link you all to them when I post about each trip so that you can see properly!
Lauren xoxo
New lookbook post!
Check out my latest lookbook post at http://lookbook.nu/look/5592361-Interlogo-London-Vintage-Tie-Anthony-Graham
Lauren xoxo
Lauren xoxo
New lookbook post!
Hi everyone! Check out my new lookbook post at http://lookbook.nu/look/5537925-Fruit-Of-The-Loom-Black-Polo-Shirt-Anthony-Graham#comment_45489353
Lauren xoxo
Lauren xoxo
Fashion friend promo: Hannah Crabtree
Today I'm promoting my friend Hannah! I met her before I started my course just after I met Toni because she added me on Facebook too. She's from down South and she's the only one in our group with a decent accent, haha! She's a really lovely, funny, down-to-earth person and she has a great sense of style. Followfollowfollow!!!
Today's technical: skirt pattern drafting
Wow, today has been SO busy. We had technical today and we used our skirt blocks that we made earlier to draft a pattern for a skirt that we're going to make next week. We had to make some alterations after drawing round the block though; we had to shorten it, add pockets and pocket bags, add a zip fly, and add a waistband. We had to cut out all of the separate pieces that we'd need when we'd made them from the draft, and label them properly with fabrics and instructions and grain lines etc. There was a lot to do in the time we had and I had to rush a lot towards the end to get finished but I just about managed it! I was really stressed out when I got home though because I hate rushing and I was also reeeally tired, so I had a nice hot bath to relax. :) And now I'm just about to do some work on the sketchbook I'm working on for my design project inspired by my surroundings. I'm basing mine on my room, because it's literally full of things to be inspired by (my optimistic way of saying it's cluttered to death). I'm excited for Monday though because we're going to Bowes museum again because there is a Laura Ashley exhibition on and also another exhibition which is fashion-related - tailoring I think?! Still, it will be good. So until then, I'll be cracking on with my sketchbook. No rest for the wicked!!!
Here's a few pictures of the skirt drafting from today:
Lauren xoxo
Here's a few pictures of the skirt drafting from today:
Fashion friend promo: Toni Eaton
Today I'm promoting my friend Toni from uni! She's actually the first person from my course that I got talking to because she was tracking everyone down and added me on facebook haha! She's such a lovely bubbly person and her blog is SO cute, as anything vintage always is! Followfollowfollow!
Visual communication IT - my work so far!
Hi guys!
I'm sitting in my vis com IT lesson as we speak and now I've FINALLY got my flats drawn that I was talking about before, I need them checked before I can scan them in to render on illustrator, but Lynne is doing tutorials with everyone at the mo, so I thought I'd tell you about my work so far while I wait!
OK. So, the first thing we did was learn basics on illustrator, which I made a post about, remember? (If not, here it is: http://laurensheperia.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/intro-to-adobe-illustrator.html) We made a few different flats up after this first lesson, just to get used to different things, and I made a button template for my archive, and here they are:
Next, we had to choose a spring/summer '14 collection to work on for our project on range plans. I had a look around, and found one I liked on the London Fashion Week website by L'wren Scott. I liked her collection because a lot of the garments seemed to be inspired by traditional Japanese culture and garments like kimonos and yukatas, and I personally am very interested in Japanese culture. Oh, which reminds me, I just bought a vintage kimono and obi from Japan and I'm waiting for it to arrive, so expect a post about it in the future! But anyway, I chose 4 outfits from the collection to work on that fitted together well, but were each very different in terms of shape. Here they are:
You can find more info on L'wren Scott and the rest of the collection here.
So then, after I'd chosen, I had to draw some garment flats (hand-rendering) from the photos of the collection, which are the things I'm waiting to get checked as we speak! I found it more challenging when I did it than I was expecting. I hope they're ok, I don't really want to do them again haha! But anyway, here they are:
Sorry the photos are a bit dark!
So finally, we started making up our art boards on illustrator. The first board we worked on was just a board showing the photos of the collection, the logo of the designer, and the main colours used. It was fun though, because we had to use pantone colour references on the boards and we had a pantone solid coated colour book to look through and match up our collection colours to the references in the book. It was such a fun lesson! The colour books are so pretty, and I have to admit I've become slightly obsessed with pantone colour referencing ever since, and I ordered a pantone phone case from pantone universe which I'm currently waiting to arrive! (I'm kind of addicted to internet shopping, can you tell?!)
Here's a few pictures I took of the solid coated colour referencing book:
SO PRETTY. Anyway, finally after we matched up our colours, we put together our first boards! Sorry for the bad photo again (I am getting a decent camera for christmas thank goodness!) but here is a picture of what mine looks like:
So that's everything up to speed! The next board I'll be working on is the board with my garment flats drawings on it, and then afterwards we'll put together our IT skills we've learned with Lynne and our hand-rendering skills we've learned in vis com with Vicky to create posed fashion illustrations which will be rendered on illustrator to make them look professional. I can't wait!
Hope everyone's having a good day despite the awful weather on this chilly wednesday morning :)
Lauren xoxo
I'm sitting in my vis com IT lesson as we speak and now I've FINALLY got my flats drawn that I was talking about before, I need them checked before I can scan them in to render on illustrator, but Lynne is doing tutorials with everyone at the mo, so I thought I'd tell you about my work so far while I wait!
OK. So, the first thing we did was learn basics on illustrator, which I made a post about, remember? (If not, here it is: http://laurensheperia.blogspot.co.uk/2013/10/intro-to-adobe-illustrator.html) We made a few different flats up after this first lesson, just to get used to different things, and I made a button template for my archive, and here they are:
So then, after I'd chosen, I had to draw some garment flats (hand-rendering) from the photos of the collection, which are the things I'm waiting to get checked as we speak! I found it more challenging when I did it than I was expecting. I hope they're ok, I don't really want to do them again haha! But anyway, here they are:
So finally, we started making up our art boards on illustrator. The first board we worked on was just a board showing the photos of the collection, the logo of the designer, and the main colours used. It was fun though, because we had to use pantone colour references on the boards and we had a pantone solid coated colour book to look through and match up our collection colours to the references in the book. It was such a fun lesson! The colour books are so pretty, and I have to admit I've become slightly obsessed with pantone colour referencing ever since, and I ordered a pantone phone case from pantone universe which I'm currently waiting to arrive! (I'm kind of addicted to internet shopping, can you tell?!)
Here's a few pictures I took of the solid coated colour referencing book:
Hope everyone's having a good day despite the awful weather on this chilly wednesday morning :)
Lauren xoxo
computer skills,
fashion blog,
fashion blogger,
fashion enterprise,
garment flats,
l'wren scott,
visual communication
Fashion friend promo: Rosie Earnshaw
Hi everyone!
Ok, so as pretty much everyone on my course is just starting out blogging, like me, I thought that promoting would be a good idea to help out. Every now and then I'll promo one of my friends from my uni course or another new blogger, which my followers should follow too because if you enjoy reading my blog, you should enjoy theirs too! So today, I'm promoting my friend Rosie. She was the first person I met on my course because we got the train together on our first day here, and we still do! She's lovely and she has a really cool style and her blog is super cute. Followfollowfollow!!!
Lauren xoxo
Ok, so as pretty much everyone on my course is just starting out blogging, like me, I thought that promoting would be a good idea to help out. Every now and then I'll promo one of my friends from my uni course or another new blogger, which my followers should follow too because if you enjoy reading my blog, you should enjoy theirs too! So today, I'm promoting my friend Rosie. She was the first person I met on my course because we got the train together on our first day here, and we still do! She's lovely and she has a really cool style and her blog is super cute. Followfollowfollow!!!
Lauren xoxo
New lookbook post!
Check out my new lookbook post at http://lookbook.nu/look/5524452-American-Apparel-Black-Disco-Pants-Marks-And#comment_45331626
Lauren xoxo
Lauren xoxo
New lookbook post (halloween edition)!
Check out my latest (halloween) lookbook post at http://lookbook.nu/look/5514342-Topshop-Spiked-Hairband-Kindamagik-Leather-Choker
Lauren xoxo
Lauren xoxo
New lookbook post!
Check out my new lookbook post at http://lookbook.nu/look/5506304-Primark-Black-Beanie-Jamjar-Sunglasses-Cami
Lauren xoxo
Lauren xoxo
Vis Com: Experimenting with different media
Today's lesson was Visual Communication with Vicky Wake. At the minute we're doing a unit on drawing, and we're trying to develop our own personal fashion illustration styles by looking at different illustrators to inspire us and experimenting with different media to see which ones we like best and how they make the same image look different. We were set a task to pick out an image of a face, and I chose a picture of Kate Moss circa 1990. We had to draw the same face 5 times, using different media each time to show how it can change the way an image looks. Me being a slow coach, I only got one finished, but I will post the others when I catch up. Anyway, thought I'd do a quick post to show you what I'd got done.
I've been trying to do some other practise on drawing faces in my spare time, too. I did this one of Vanessa Paradis a few weeks back:
I'm currently working on another piece too, of Sky Ferreira. This one is going to be very realistic and detailed, but it isn't finished yet. I'll post it when it is. If anyone wants to see any more of my art, you can take a look at my art blog on tumblr, and follow me if you have tumblr too. I post fashion illustration work on there but also my own personal art projects and work that I've done on fine art courses in the past. Click here to take a look.
Lauren xoxo
Tailored Skirt Block Making and Topstitching
Hey everyone! Really sorry I haven't posted in SO long; I've been really ill lately. Freshers flu maybe? I'm not sure, but everyone seems to be ill lately, and I always seem to catch everything. But on the bright side, I'm on the mend! Anyway, I couldn't wait to tell you about the skirt blocks we made in technical! We actually did this the week before last, but like I said, I got ill, and I forgot to post about it haha. Being off sick has also made me reeeeally behind on other things in technical so I'm gonna have to stay back one day this week to catch up. Should be fun though, I like sewing! So expect more technical posts soon! Nonetheless though, my HUGE technical folder is getting pretty full now despite my absence!
SO. The first thing we did was cut out tiny little fifth scale diagrams of what our finished skirt blocks would look like, to keep as reference. I wasn't concentrating though, and I ended up cutting out one of the darts on one of mine, oops!

This was the main equipment that we used: a tape measure, tracing wheel, and grading square.
First we followed the instructions on the sheet to draw out our draft skirt block onto draft paper, making sure we use the grading square on right angles for precision. Here's what my finished draft looked like:
Next we were given sheets with a numbered diagram of the block on it, and also instructions on how to make it using the diagram. These were the sheets that we followed showing the method:

This was the main equipment that we used: a tape measure, tracing wheel, and grading square.
First we followed the instructions on the sheet to draw out our draft skirt block onto draft paper, making sure we use the grading square on right angles for precision. Here's what my finished draft looked like:
After we had finished the draft, we used the tracing wheel to trace our block onto some thick card. Finally, we cut it out, and it was finished! Sorry though, I didn't manage to get actual photos of the finished block on card, but it basically looked exactly the same as my draft but just thicker!
Then, to finish the lesson, we looked at a few seams and made some samples. We focused on topstitching, which is often used to strengthen seams on things like jeans. (Take a look at your own, I bet you'll find some!) We did three different types of topstitching, and overlocked our closed seams before we topstitched them. I thought they were all very easy to do! Here's some photos:
So all in all, it was an extremely productive lesson! I enjoyed it very much. The week after when I was absent, we looked at how to manipulate the skirt blocks. This is what I'll be catching up on when I stay back on wednesday.
More tech posts to follow when I catch up!
Lauren xoxo
New lookbook post!
Check out my latest lookbook post at http://lookbook.nu/look/5451110-Ebay-Vintage-Camouflage-Shirt-Us-Basic-Khaki
Lauren xoxo
Lauren xoxo
New lookbook post!
Today's outfit is on Lookbook! Check it out at http://lookbook.nu/look/5441570-Marion-Donaldson-Black-Glitter-Blazer-Primark
Lauren xoxo
Lauren xoxo
New blog layout
Just a quick update! I've just changed my blog layout to make it a bit more readable. I changed the colours to black and white so that it didn't look so brash (also on some screens I'd noticed that those colours nearly took your eyes out!!!) and I've changed the main text font to a more ordinary one so that it's easier to read. Hope you like it!
Lauren xoxo
Lauren xoxo
New lookbook post!
Hi everyone! Just a quick update to share my new lookbook post! Check it out at http://lookbook.nu/look/5440148-Ebay-Homemade-Crocheted-Jumper-Alice-Vitrum#comment_44358298
Lauren xoxo
Lauren xoxo
First lookbook post!
I liked my outfit today so I created my first lookbook post!
Check it out at http://lookbook.nu/look/5434212-Primark-Corduroy-Pinafore-Dress-Ebay-Black-Mesh
If anyone else has lookbook, please follow me! I'm gonna be posting looks on a regular basis. :)
Lauren xoxo
Check it out at http://lookbook.nu/look/5434212-Primark-Corduroy-Pinafore-Dress-Ebay-Black-Mesh
If anyone else has lookbook, please follow me! I'm gonna be posting looks on a regular basis. :)
Lauren xoxo
Intro to Adobe Illustrator
Hi everyone! Today at uni we started using Adobe Illustrator, which I'd never used before, but it's safe to say that I'm now hooked, it's so easy! I haven't done a lot on it yet, but today we learned how to draw a garment flat using a template from our archives, because we're doing a project at the minute where we have to illustrate a spring/summer catwalk collection using garment flats, so we will be needing it! I'm gonna do a post showing which collection I've chosen at some point. But anyway, I got used to the programme quite quickly, and, ta-da! Here's my first ever attempt at a garment flat! Not bad, eh? I'm pleased with it anyway, haha!
So all in all, I've had a good day today! A productive one at least! Tomorrow I'm gonna finish a drawing of a blouse, which will be a lot more of a challenge, but we'll see how it turns out. Wish me luck!
Lauren xoxo
So all in all, I've had a good day today! A productive one at least! Tomorrow I'm gonna finish a drawing of a blouse, which will be a lot more of a challenge, but we'll see how it turns out. Wish me luck!
Lauren xoxo
My name is Lauren Sheperia. I am a Fashion Enterprise student, currently in my first year of doing a BA at CCAD Hartlepool. As part of one of my modules, I will be running this blog. It will be a fashion blog, including things like my inspirations, my work progress, illustrations, techniques and tutorials, documentations of any trips and visits I go on, student life, and my personal Fashion interests. Please follow me and I will follow you back! And don't be scared to message me and say hi, meeting some other bloggers would be lovely!
Anyway, this was just a quick post to introduce myself briefly; and to say please follow my blog!
Lauren xoxo
Anyway, this was just a quick post to introduce myself briefly; and to say please follow my blog!
Lauren xoxo
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